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VBC Buddies List


The BUDDIES LIST is now integrated into our website on the FORUMS tab and contents are searchable.  You don't have to be a member to VIEW the BUDDIES LIST online, but you must be a member to POST and RECEIVE MESSAGES.  Posts may be added HERE or MOST SIMPLY by sending an email to from the email account associated with your VBC membership.  Information about how to update your forum preferences or "opt-out" of the forum (we hope that you won't since it's a valuable communication tool for the club and helps you stay up on what's happening with the VBC) appears at the bottom of each message.

The BUDDIES LIST can be used to announce impromptu rides, update members on last-minute ride date or time changes, alert riders on the cancellation of a regular weekly or impromptu ride, or share cycling-related activities, local events, and other cycling info.  

Have a question about whether something is appropriate for the list?  
Review the FORUMS POLICY  online or ASK US


Ready to ride? Schedule an IMPROMPTU ride on Buddies!

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The BUDDIES LIST is a club forum and email list.  E-mails related to upcoming rides (generally local, occasionally regional) and related activities, advocacy opportunities, volunteer opportunities and cycling-related topics are welcome.  VBC members may opt-in and out of the BUDDIES LIST  Non-members can view the forum but can't post or receive email updates.  Want to be a part?  Click here to become a member today and opt-in to the Buddies forum!

Already a member and want to announce an impromptu or share info with the club?  Just send an email to or visit the FORUMS page and click the BUDDIES LIST forum to view posts and/or add one of your own!

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Managing BUDDIES LIST and other forum preferences . . .
Managing BUDDIES LIST and other forum preferences . . .

Just make sure you're logged in (link in top bar) and visit your profile page using the drop-down.  At the bottom of your profile page, you'll see the forum options.  Opt-in or out as well as change other preferences there.

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BUDDIES LIST / VBC Forums Policy . . .
BUDDIES LIST / VBC Forums Policy . . .

Vancouver Bicycle Club (VBC) maintains electronic forums to facilitate effective online communication in the club.  VBC maintains the right to revoke forum membership for abusive, offensive or inappropriate communication.  Let's treat each other with respect.  The forums are intended to allow announcements and communication of club activities and local cycling-related events and topics.  They are NOT to be used to promote products, services, or businesses or serve as a captive platform for your private points of view.  We might care what type of chamois butter you use (maybe not) or whether you like Campy or SRAM or Shimano, but we don't want to hear what you think about presidential candidates or whether one should or shouldn't eat this or that or . . . you get the idea (go light on the philosophy and politics).  These are fine discussions to have and we encourage you to engage personally with folks and talk, debate, whatever - just don't do it on the club forums.  If you engage in such activities or are verbally abusive to another member, you will be warned and could be banned.

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Thanks for being a member . . .
Thanks for being a member . . .

It's you, our members, who make this club what it is. Thanks for being a part of it!

Ride Safe.  Have Fun.