"The Century Plus"

CENTURY 104.2 miles, 5562 ft.
· Start time 6-8am
· Rest stops: New Heights Church (27), Grist Mill (45), New Heights Church (65), Lacamas (88), BCC (start/finish)
· PINK road marking
Century: Want more miles and more climbing? Ride our new century on country roads enjoying dappled shade, fun rollers, and open fields. Accompany the metric riders to the Battle Ground rest stop, then head north towards La Center and through View, WA aptly named for the breathtaking landscapes that unfold as you climb. Soon, Mt. St. Helens rises in the distance, a majestic reminder of the region's volcanic power. A welcome pitstop at the historic Grist Mill offers restrooms and a chance to refuel before tackling the next leg. Clark County's charming covered bridge serves as a picturesque gateway to the ascent up Goodnight Road. Don't let the name fool you - this climb will test your limits, but the sense of accomplishment at the summit is unparalleled. From here, the reward awaits. Let gravity do the work as you savor a miles-long descent, the stunning scenery washing over you with each pedal stroke. Roll back into Battle Ground for a well-deserved rest stop before continuing your journey south towards Lacamas Lake and on to the finish line where you swap stories with your buddies over sandwiches and beverages you earned!" (5571’ elevation)
Consider the weather and your fitness level before choosing this route.
Route may require revision due to road construction.
Start window is 6:00-8:00 am to serve you with excellent road support and inviting rest stops.