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REMINDER . . . Support the Westside Bike Mobility ...
Devin Bowen
VBC Members . . . please join us TONIGHT!

In 2017, the City of Vancouver adopted "Complete Streets," a policy to correct the sad reality that Vancouver has the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries in WA (WSDOT).  This policy seeks to design and implement accessible, safe roadways for users of all ages and abilities, inclusive of all transportation modes (cyclists, walkers and motorists).  The city recently unveiled two projects to begin their actual implementation of "Complete Streets": the McLoughlin Safety Project and the Westside Bike Mobility Project.  

The Westside Bike Mobility Project would make important bikeway improvements to downtown city streets we ride a lot (Kauffman, Daniels, and Columbia) creating protected bike lanes on Columbia and Kauffman and designating Daniels as a neighborhood greenway.  These plans would make all three of these north-south streets safer for biking and walking as the roadways are resurfaced beginning THIS summer, BUT THEY ARE BY NO MEANS A DONE DEAL.  The plans require some parking removal and this has opposition.  All it takes for projects like this to be reduced, delayed or abandoned is for folks like you and me to assume that plans = completed projects and that someone else will attend the meeting.  How many good things that require change and work have you known that happened automatically and without effort?  The good news is that a little effort can go a long way to supporting big changes.

Please show your support for the Westside Bike Mobility Project by attending the public meeting TONIGHT!
Monday, February 11th, 6:30 pm
City Hall, 2nd floor meeting room, 415 W 6th St

TONIGHT represents our chance to give the city council the support they need to move ahead with "Complete Streets" for Vancouver.  Those opposed to this project will be there.  Don't let their voices be the only ones heard before the council votes later this month!

If you can't be ON the bike because of the slush and cold, put that energy toward being ABOUT the bike!

Hope to see you TONIGHT!


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